Dr. Hendrix speaks to SGA about $30 million state grant, new campus projects
Shepherd University President Dr. Mary J.C. Hendrix was invited by the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting last week to give a presentation about the $30 state million grant, the new multipurpose building, and additional changes to campus.
“Shepherd received $30 million from Governor Jim Justice before he left office,” Hendrix explained. “And the purpose was to invest in new or current facilities to support what we told them was the student experience,” she said.
Shepherd also got a $4 million grant from the United States Department of Justice in 2023, according to Hendrix . Called Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), the grant program provides a campus-wide camera system, integrated door lock system, mobile speed cameras, evidence room updates, and gun storage lockers.
“This campus is really under surveillance and very, very secure. And that’s a good feeling,” Hendrix said.
Hendrix also discussed another project which will use the $30 million grant: the new multipurpose building, which will have both indoor and outdoor dining, as well as meeting rooms and Shepherd’s athletic facilities. This building is set to open Summer 2026.
Additionally, some grant money is going to upgrade Potomac Place and Dunlop and Printz apartments, according to Hendrix.
Administrative Prioritization was also discussed, which saw a reassessment of Shepherd’s administrative operations, such as staffing issues.
“The goal of it was based on trying to get a data driven assessment of our administrative operations,” Hendrix explained. This saw the amount of Resident Life staffing (RAs) go down from 30 to 27 and saved the campus $33,900, according to Hendrix.
The current state of dorms was brought up as well, and Dr. Hendrix explained the future housing plan to improve the housing buildings.
Shepherd currently has a five-year housing improvement plan that is currently led by Associate Vice President for Campus Services Jack Shaw. Depending on Fall 2025 occupancy, a residence hall might go offline to be “really renovated,” according to Hendrix. The five-year plan involves all residence halls, but the $30 million grant is only for the new multipurpose building, Potomac Place and Dunlop and Printz apartments.
Dr. Hendrix also talked about the women’s soccer team. On Nov. 17, the team won the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Championship for the first time. On Nov. 24, the team also won the Atlantic Regional Championship.
“We’re very proud of them, because wherever they go, like all of you, you bring Shepherd,” Dr. Hendrix explained.
Concerns from the Technology Oversight Committee
Shepherd Student Kaylyn Jenkins discussed how the Technology Oversight Committee is working on an overarching plan for technology update.
According to their Technology Strategic Plan written by IT Services, it “aims to improve operational efficiency, encourage innovation, and enhance the institution’s ability to recruit and retain students and employees.” They are currently surveying students on any technology issues they may have. The entire draft of the plan was sent out to the SGA.
Concerns regarding how slowly the computers run in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) lab located in Snyder Hall 113 was brought to the committee. A similar issue concerning the computers in CCAI 106 was discussed; SGA Advisor and Head of Student Activities and Leadership Rachel Meads submitted a work order regarding the computers in CCAI 106 during the meeting.
Students with technology concerns should email Jenkins.
Future Guest Speakers
At the upcoming meeting this Tuesday, Shepherd University’s new Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Jack DeRochi will be speaking. On April 1, the Chair of the Board of Governors Dr. Jim Cherry will be the guest speaker.
SGA and SLC Applicants will Start Campaigning
Students who applied to open SGA Executive Board and Student Life Council (SLC) positions began campaigning on March 19 and will end March 31.
SGA Executive Board positions will remain open until April 7. That includes Parliamentarian, Treasurer, Communications Director, and Campus Relations Officer. Those positions will be chosen by whomever is elected for SGA President and Vice President.
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