The Red Flag Campaign is a national campaign to fight dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault.
“Shepherd University is once again at the forefront of progressive change in the state of West Virginia, and in this region as a whole,” said Lance Wines, senior political science major at Shepherd University.
The Campaign has spread to nearly 400 college campuses, according to the Red Flag Campaign website. Sept. 27 through Sept. 29, the campaign overtook Shepherd University.
“Students, faculty, and staff have worked countless hours to bring this campaign to Shepherd University, and it has been an honor to be a part of something that benefits all people, but especially those in my age range,” said Wines.
The campaign was organized by Dr. Chiquita Howard-Bostic, assistant professor of sociology and chair of the Department of Sociology and Geography, and Dr. Joseph Robbins associate professor and chair of the Department of Political Science.
“As a student in both Dr. Howard-Bostic’s, ‘Social Stratification,’ class, but also in Dr. Robbin’s Political Science Capstone program, participating in the Red Flag Campaign was not up for debate. The campaign is about violence and aggression in relationships, such as domestic abuse, relationship abuse, and harassment,” said Wines.

Flags will be displayed to show how prevalent dating violence is.
Tables were set up over campus and students had the opportunity to write messages on the red flags. The flags will be displayed on Shaw Hall lawn on Oct. 4 and left up for the home football game against Glenville State on Oct. 8. Spectators will be encouraged to take the time to read the flags and “Take a moment to soak in the message of how prevalent dating violence and unhealthy relationships are,” said Wines.
Students are encouraged to participate in the Shepherd University healthy relationships Instagram project by taking photos of the Red Flag Campaign and posting them to Instagram tagging @Shepherdu, according to the Shepherd University website.
Haley George is a staff writer for The Picket, she can be reached at
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