Dressing up can be expensive, especially professional clothes that students often need.
Shepherd University’ Rams Closet started in spring 2022 as a place for students, staff, and faculty to find dress clothes. However, the closet is open to everyone and helps those in need of clothing prepare for their professional career.
It offers students a variety of professional apparel options, including:
- Blazers, Coats
- Pants and trousers
- Ties
- Dress shoes
- Tops, blouses, button-down shirts
- Accessories and more.
The Rams Closet is located in White Hall, room 317, bring your Rambler ID to shop what you need. The closet is open Wednesday from 3-5 p.m. and Thursdays from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Dr. Jenny Flora, Wellness Center director, said the Ram Closet was established to help students meet their basic needs (from business wear to a winter coat) and to help with sustainability (80% off all textiles end up in the landfill).

“Many students don’t realize how expensive professional-quality attire is. The Rams closet changes that and gives students access to these things,” said Alicia, an accounting student.
“Professional dress is so expensive, if you can get certain items every semester, why not take advantage of it?” said Hannah, another Shepherd student.
Cameron Colwell, a business student at shepherd said “I really love the idea and I think it’s a great addition to the Ram Pantry.’’
Rams Closet is accepting all donations of slightly used men’s and women’s clothing, accessories, and shoes, especially career wear, and formal wear. All are welcome. Donations should be free of holes, tears, and stains.
For information about volunteering and donating clothing, please visit the Ram Pulse page for more details on “fropping,” volunteering and donating. https://shepherd.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/campuscloset or email ramscloset@shepherd.edu.
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