Shepherd University students studying in the student center. Picture from Shepherd University

A Guide to Survive Finals Week

As the semester is nearing the finish line, finals week will be just around the corner for Shepherd University students, and they may be feeling a little overwhelmed as to how to overcome the stressful last few weeks.

Many students who are new to the college atmosphere may be stressing over the biggest tests they might be taking so far in their educational career so far.

After asking a few students who attend Shepherd what their biggest tips would be to help new students facing finals, current students believe they could help alleviate some of the stress newer students may be feeling.

“Take time to study. Even if it is just an hour a day, for a week straight, it will definitely be more beneficial then trying to cram it all in,” said sophomore nursing major Tori Lassahn.

A study conducted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill stated that one of the most impactful studying strategies is “distributing practice.”

Being able to space out your studies will allow you to retain information long term. Intensively studying for an hour a day will be more impactful than trying to study for hours on end.

Taking the time to study is a lot easier when you have a solid plan intact.

Sophomore Sam Lassahn, who is also a nursing major, provided the advice that students should make a schedule for themselves each day to sit down and focus on what they want to accomplish.

In the same study, UNC also stated taking advantage of your calendar will help “eliminate distractions.”

At the beginning of the week, plan out what work will need to be accomplished, and how much you want to work on each day. No plan will be perfect but adjust as needed to be able to still accomplish your workload.

Some days you may also have an easier workload, you should use those days to start working on getting ahead of big assignments and papers. Working to get assignments and studying done is tasking, so make sure to reward yourself with breaks.

Maya Rosenbaum, a secondary education major said “to set a timer. No one can focus for hours on end of studying. You should set a timer and reward yourself with a little break.”

In the same study that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill discussed distributing practice, they also discussed timing.

Long study sessions late night in the library will only lead to distraction and a lack of concentration which will not allow you to retain as much information as you had hoped to.

Taking short spans of time to do some work will also help to not procrastinate. Little slots of time are easier for our brains to handle. Studying for a short period of time and rewarding yourself will make you feel more accomplished in your studying.

Shepherd University students will be taking their finals in just three short weeks. With advice from current students on how to do well on their exams, they hope to relieve some of the stressful tensions coming up in the next few weeks.

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