On Friday, Feb. 19, Shepherd University’s division of Student Affairs sent an email to students regarding reports of two sexual assaults that occurred in the Martinsburg area.
“We have only received limited information on these incidents,” the email said, “We are sharing what we have.”
According to the email, the assailant is a white male in his 30’s driving an “upscale” vehicle.
Each sexual assault happened in the same manner, according to the email. The man approached each woman separately while they were jogging and acquired their phone numbers. He later called the women and arranged a meeting time where they were then drugged and sexually assaulted.
Hayley Frye, a junior communications major, said in response to the email that she appreciates the University for informing students of these incidents.
“I think many are blind to these events happening when they really occur far too often,” Frye said.
Melissa Sherrill, a junior psychology major, said that she hopes the man is caught soon.
“I think it’s disgusting that he did this twice in the same manner meaning there is no empathy at all,” Sherrill said.
Alyssa Plourde, a senior recreation and leisure studies major, said that she felt protective when she received the email.
“My first reaction to the email was to get angry, but at the time I felt protective because I had my girlfriend with me and we were out of the house when the email was sent out,” Plourde said.
Anyone with any additional information is strongly encouraged to contact the University police at 304-876-5374. If you or someone you know becomes a victim of assault, alert 911 immediately.
Biden to speak out against campus sexual assault

Vice President Joe Biden is to appear on the Oscars award ceremony Sunday, Feb. 28, to speak out against campus sexual assault. He will introduce Lady Gaga’s performance of her Oscar-nominated song “Til It Happens to You,” which she wrote for a documentary about campus sexual assault.
Click here to listen to “Til It happens to you”: https://www.youtube.com
Biden is expected to call on all audience members to take the “It’s On Us,” pledge by going to www.itsonus.org to sign up and show their commitment in putting an end to campus sexual assault.
Click here to take the pledge: http://itsonus.org/
Hayley Butler is the editor-in-chief of The Picket and can be reached at hbutle01@rams.shepherd.edu or followed on Twitter @haybutler.
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