(The Picket)- Online dating has become a custom among youth in their search for an ideal mate.
Students can swipe right to connect on Tinder, or females can be the aggressors on Bumble, so the need for friends to arrange an introduction is fading.
Zoe Nicewander, an English major, said “I had a Tinder at the beginning of the year, but I deleted it because of the many creeps swiping right on me. Maybe it could have been effective if I had continued.”
Hana Malone, a junior art education said she had Tinder but did not like it.
Amanda Blaney, a nursing major and freshman, has mixed emotions about Tinder—deleting it for two months and then downloading it again. “It’s effective in different ways: You have to be the right kind of person to be on that app,” she said.
Other students use other apps to meet singles and friends. OkCupid, an app that uses calculations from a series of questions that pertain to the member’s values and interests, is another source for mingling with other singles.

Danielle Vollmer, a sophomore education major, said “I have two apps: OkCupid and Bumble.” Vollmer said it was difficult to make long-term connections with guys on the app. “You meet a lot of people but most just want sex and nothing else,” she said.
Brandon Dye is a staff writer for The Picket. You can reach him at bdye02@rams.shepherd.edu
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