Shepherdstown, W.Va., – Shepherd University is preparing for their annual Thank a Donor Day. Stacy McFarland, the director of annual giving, said, “Thank a Donor Day is a celebration of those donors, while also being important for educating the students about what goes on behind the scenes at a university. It takes the support of our donors to enhance each student’s Shepherd experience.”
The Shepherd University Foundation processed 7,092 gifts last fiscal year from 3,081 constituents. The gifts given by the constituents help support scholarships, faculty support, program support, infrastructure support, and more. Team River Runner – Shepherd is one organization operating completely on donor support.

“We’re the only chapter of the national organization in West Virginia. We serve wounded and disabled veterans by teaching them kayaking,” Tracy Seffers, the chapter coordinator of Team River Runner – Shepherd, said.
“The Wellness Center donates their pool, local outfitters and businesses donate clothes and their equipment, and we also get food donations.”
Students, staff and faculty members can find tags beginning to hang around campus on October 28th to show the support donors have given Shepherd.

“Over 150 tags were hung in interior spaces. I do not hang them in the many exterior spaces,” McFarland said.
The Shepherd University Foundation is looking for students and organizations to get involved on November 6 between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at the Ram’s Den and Potomac Place to write thank you postcards. The students will be photographed and made into a video that will be sent to donors at Thanksgiving.
McFarland said, “Last year 401 Thank you postcards were signed. We are looking to top that this year!”
If you would like to volunteer to help hang tags, please contact Ms. Stacy McFarland at
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