
The Weekly Hump: Sexting, Taking a digital spanking

I’m just going to put it out on the table that I support sexting.

When handled appropriately in a mature fashion, taking a digital spanking can be healthy for a relationship.

The idea behind sexting has been around long before we got our hands on cell phones. Rewind back to the fourteenth century and just read the Wife of Bath’s tale by Chaucer. Fast-forward to modern society and take a peek into any erotic novel spewing from the shelves of that ever-evolving genre.

Sharing erotic messages back and forth between parties is no stranger to mass consumerism. Phone sex is the mother of sexting and “Cybering,” or getting nasty in a computer chat room, is the dirty uncle. All in all, this progression in history seems to tell us that when humans get horny, they get creative.

Using written words to stimulate the body is obvious foreplay because words have a unique ability to ignite reserved hunger. Directly telling someone what you would like to do sexually is more than appealing; it is liberating. Reading words fuel our other senses, similar to how we feel when we read erotic novels.

Sexting is the new age erotic novel at our fingertips. It builds sexual creativity and excitement for the bedroom outside of the bedroom. Instead of having a quickie in a grocery store aisle, with one click of the button you can feel a similar type of excitement without the hassle.

Unlike the erotic novel, sexting is a story we can create with a realistic, touchable partner, which makes it much more appetizing. Personal experience allows you to have intimacy.

So why is there so much taboo around the subject? Well, because we live in a digital world in which one slide of the finger could mean our privates are no longer private. The 21st century has completely remodeled the world we live in and how we view and carry ourselves within society.

Having your pasty bits plastered all over a trashy website or social media feed is not ideal when applying for your dream job. So if you are going to do the digital dirty, you should keep in mind a few key points.

Always trust your partner and be discreet about what you send. Deciding between a photo or text is important because ultimately sext messages are all the same. Either with a photo or naughty words attached to a winky face, it can all put you in the hot seat (good or bad). Though there is nothing wrong with a full on sext, leaving him or her craving more might be better in the long run. And never give into the pressure of sending anything you aren’t comfortable with.

Another element is frame of mind, meaning you should have one. I tend to think I look better when I have alcohol in my system, so I’d like to assume everyone else does as well. Don’t send a photograph or regrettable message under the influence. The morning after phone check of shame will be less embarrassing.

The trend of sexting shouldn’t be looked upon with disgust if you are in a committed relationship, but knowing how to prevent misfortunate situations will help erect a healthier sex life. Be careful with who you share yourself with, online or off.

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