
The Weekly Hump: Sweet Taste of Love

The weekly hump is back! And what better time to bring it back than Valentine’s week?

It’s the bittersweet week that places people into two categories: taken or single.

Well, let’s face it: Valentine’s Day is just another day on the calendar and, as always, the hype about it has to spoil the appetite just like those deliciously cheap chocolates I love so much.

If I’m being honest, the best part about Valentine’s Day is the six weeks leading up to it when Wal-Mart begins selling chocolates or whatever fill-in-the-blank price match conglomerate store, which makes decadent treats so tempting to buy.

And why is it only one time a year? I never want boxed candy in July. Not now, not ever.  I can’t handle the mess of it melting and the heart-shaped box really sells me for some reason during this time of year.

Plus, if a cashier sees how many boxes I grab, neither the cashier nor I have time to judge whether or not I am buying these boxes for my significant other or me. And by the time I roll my groceries out to my beat-up little civic, that cashier will have moved on, forgetting all about me and my first-world problems.

So, long story short? Don’t rush finding love because the hype isn’t real. Let those sweet treats of the single life sit in the box for a bit, and enjoy the relationship at whatever stage it is.

Or else 27 years from now, when the extra bedroom has turned into a permanent bed because he snores and kicks after too much alcohol, those chocolate-coated morsels may be all that keeps the doors from flying off their hinges.

If you doubt me, I think you’re underestimating the power of buttercream fudge or you’ve always had the unfortunate pleasure of biting into the chocolates with the pink goo.

How is there still a market for such goo?

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