
The Weekly Hump: Building a Profile for the Online Meat Market

If you want to score a date online, you have to know how to build an adequate profile, plain and simple.

From my experience, it makes no difference whether the site is free or requires a monthly fee; the quality of potential partners is all the same. It is true that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but sometimes you’re just better off eating your own bait worm and throwing the bad catches back.

It is unrealistic to believe the online dating world will ever be perfect. Humans need face-to-face interaction to develop a stable, plausible relationship. We need intimate companionship and human touch. Yet, the good news is that the online dating scene has pivoted us in the right direction.

There are a lot of advantages of finding someone online. Since society is constantly changing and adapting, you don’t have to risk slowing down just to find a potential soul mate. You can find someone anywhere and, depending on your personality, any time of day.

But building a great profile takes some maneuvering if you want to truly get a quality product. The online meat market can be ruthless, so you need to have confidence, creativity and the boldness to really put yourself out there. In addition, you should keep in mind a few things when building a viable account.

The first step to putting together a profile is deciding on a username. Creating a clever profile name is very important for dating profiles because it is the first thing potential dates will see. A profile name says a lot about your character, or lack thereof, and the majority of sites will allow you to create one. Make sure your username says something creative and fun about yourself. Your broadcast sign should say something like, “welcome, stop here” not “closed for maintenance.”

The next feature of a dating profile is photographs. Photographs are the most important element of a profile and it is absolutely fair to judge a profile by the types of photos posted on the account. While looks are not a number one component, there is still value in a picture because attraction is vital in a relationship.

If your profile only has aerial view photographs that you took on purpose to make yourself look smaller, then don’t use them. If you are trying to hide your receding hairline or double chin by only having close up face shots that have been altered, save them for Facebook and have someone take an accurate photo of yourself. Those tricks aren’t fooling anyone.

The point of dating profile photographs is to identify who you are and what you have to offer a mate. A dating profile is different than a regular social media account.

Plus, when you find a potential date, he or she is going to see you from top to bottom, so just give it to the world straight up. Let your single flag fly because others will find it adorable and sexy. And if you aren’t comfortable showing your true self, then it might be a sign you just aren’t ready to hit the online dating scene yet.

Filling out the body section is the make or break factor in a great profile. No one wants to read a book about how you broke your arm in the third grade, so don’t write one. Do not list every band you have ever listened to or the movies in your extensive DVD collection.  Save those chocolate chips for talking points on the date itself.

Profile information is meant to hook your mate based on highlighted special interests and key characteristics that show you’re a great catch.

In addition, it also isn’t a good idea to use the space to sound off about all your past relationship failures or to state negatively why you are there in the first place. We are all well aware why you are there and it’s okay.

The entire premise behind finding a date is to potentially meet someone who can improve and enhance your life, not drag you down or fix you. You should always make it a goal to keep this factor in mind when building your profile, because confidence and a positive outlook will provide just the type of responses you want and deserve.

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