
The Sophomore Slump

We’ve all heard of the “freshman 15” and many of the common struggles students will face upon entering college their first year. However, what isn’t as talked about but can be a serious issue is the “sophomore slump.” I personally was unaware of this term until recently, but realized that I had gone through it myself. The best way that I’ve found to define this slump is that crossroads you come to when you’re feeling overwhelmed by the increased stress and pressure of college life and start to approach a turning point in your college career.

“It’s kind of like an early senoritis in a way,” said junior Katy Coleman, “It’s when you reach that halfway point and start to lack motivation.”

But no matter what the issue is that’s got you feeling down, hopefully with these few tips from myself and other students you’ll be able to successfully un-slump your sophomore year.

Joining an organization is by far the best way to get involved. Keeping yourself busy by doing something you enjoy with people who share a common interest will really help you in the long run. It’s an opportunity for you to network and meet other people whom you may not have had the chance to before. Here at Shepherd University there are a variety of groups you can become involved in. From Greek Life, sports teams, various academic groups, or Program Board to name just a few. It’s all about expanding your horizons.

“I decided to join Program Board my sophomore year as a way to mix up my routine and try something new,” said Coleman, “It feels great to be a part of something that gets students on campus more involved.”

But if your issues tend to be more professional and academic based then taking the time to really figure out what career path is right for you is a great way to get a jumpstart on your future. Spend some time mapping out your goals, and create a plan to successfully obtain them. This can be little things like deciding in advance on what courses you’ll want to take next semester, to larger issues like reevaluating your major and area of study.

“If you finding that you’ve lost interest in the classes you’re taking try something in a different field of study, you might just discover a passion or interest that could lead to something new,” said Coleman.

Most importantly, your sophomore year is a time to really be honest with yourself, figure out what’s working for you and what’s not, and make it a priority to do something about it. This is a point in your academic career where you still have the opportunity to make some changes and get the most out of this amazing time in all of our lives.

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