
Shepherd’s IEW begins next week

A sign outside the Shepherd University Student Center that shows the events planned for the 2023 International Education Week. Photo by Khalid Alsadek.

By Elizabeth Walsh, Reporter

Shepherd University’s annual International Education Week starts next week on Monday, Nov. 13, according to the Office of International Affairs. 

“International Education Week, or IEW, is an annual partnership between the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Education,” said International Admissions Officer Wrenna Dorrer. “The initiative focuses on the promotion of global understanding and aims to prepare Americans to be future leaders with an understanding of international themes through cultural exchange and classroom experiences.”  

Events throughout the week for students, faculty, and staff will include lectures on study abroad programs and international education, careers in foreign service, refugees and migration, and global sustainability. 

IEW is an opportunity for students interested in working for the federal government, teaching and working with non-native English speakers, and how one can apply those skills to the world.  

“Hopefully the topics we cover during IEW will encourage them to engage with the world around them and enhance their understanding of global connectivity,” said Dorrer. 

Students who wish to volunteer for event set-up and clean-up can contact the Office of International Affairs. 

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