
Shepherd’s hottest destinations: Spring Break 2016

(THE PICKET) – With March just starting, many students have one thing on their minds: Spring Break 2016. The Picket found out where the hottest places are for Shepherd University students this year!

An entire week off of school can mean a number of things to different people, based on what the ideal break from classes looks like.

Brooke Poling, senior psychology major

“I’m just going home, because I live so far away I always go home on break to see my family,” said Brooke Poling, a senior psychology major. For a percentage of the students that were asked, the plan was to spend quality time with family. Whether that meant to travel home like Poling, or to go a little further.

Pauline Wagner, a junior who is also a psychology major, said that her plans were to “Hang out with friends and family, maybe take a day trip to NYC!”

Bradley Rhinehart, sophomore physical education major

“Probably working most of spring break. I might take a beach trip to O.C. [Ocean City, M.D.] too” said Bradley Rhinehart, a sophomore physical education major.

Other students are also traveling to see family members, going places as far as Arizona, Tennessee, Florida, and the Carolinas.

Robert Hall, junior mass communications major

For the students seeking more of an excitement with their break, Beach trips are planned for places like Sarasota and Universal Studios, Florida.

“I will be flying to Miami with a friend from back home, who goes to Princeton University.” said Robert Hall, a junior mass communications major with a minor in marketing. “We will be renting the hotel room that the Jersey Shore cast stayed in while they filmed that season in Miami.” When asked what he will be doing with his time Florida, he said. “I will be clubbing, drinking, and having fun by the beach!”

Other students, say that they will take this break time to catch up on studying, work extra hours and make a little money, and stay right here in Shepherdstown.

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