This year's Late Night Rampage is the first in five years, according to Program Board. Izzy Huesz/The Picket.

Shepherd’s Fall Rampage, in Pictures

Shepherd University’s Late Night Rampage on Sept. 13 was the first in five years, according to Program Board, the organizer of the event. It was put on hiatus due to COVID-19. The event, a University-sponsored rave from Tribrid, an electronic music group (EDM) formed by Shepherd University Students. Mocktails, Chick-Fil-A, and Dominos was provided to students.


The Late Night Rampage check-in table featured disposable earplugs, glow-bands/necklaces, and glow paint at Shepherd University’s Storer Ballroom on Sept. 13,​ Izzy Huesz/The Picket.


Shepherd University students are seen dancing to music with colored batons in Shepherd University’s Storer Ballroom on Sept. 13, 2024. Izzy Huesz/The Picket.


Shepherd students dancing and walking around the dance floor at the Late Night Rampage in Shepherd University’s Storer Ballroom on Sept. 13, 2024. Izzy Huesz/The Picket.


A Shepherd student holds two balloons with lights inside at the Late Night Rampage in Shepherd University’s Storer Ballroom on Sept. 13, 2024. Izzy Huesz/The Picket.​


A Shepherd student with ghostly face paint dancing with the crowd on the dance floor at the Late Night Rampage in Shepherd University’s Storer Ballroom on Sept. 13, 2024.​ Izzy Huesz/The Picket.


Pizza from Domino’s is on a food table at the Late Night Rampage in Shepherd University’s Storer Ballroom on Sept. 13, 2024.​ Program Board members were giving food to the attendees of the event. Izzy Huesz/The Picket.


Students are seen dancing to music at the Late Night Rampage, which had a DJ, in the Storer Ballroom on Sept. 13, 2024. Izzy Huesz/The Picket


Shepherd students at the Late night Rampage on Sept. 13, 2024 in Shepherd University’s Storer Ballroom discuss around the snack and beverage table, which includes mocktails, sodas, and other drinks.​ Izzy Huesz/The Picket.

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