
Shepherd University’s Campus Cares

Photo via Juneau Daggs.

SHEPHERDSTOWN, W.Va.,- College students are often labeled as selfish and lazy since they’re so focused on advancing our own careers in education. At Shepherd, however, we continually have community service-based organizations and events on campus—one large one being the campus wide Campus Cares Competition.

I got the chance to interview with the Graduate Assistant for Community Service at Shepherd University, Danielle Stephenson. She is also in charge of the Campus Cares Competition as well as communicating with organizations we gather supplies for.

“The Campus Cares Competition is a great way for students, faculty, and staff to give back to their local community. Participants receive the satisfaction of knowing they’ve done a good deed all while engaging in a friendly competition to earn recognition and prizes,” says Stephenson when asked to give a 30 second elevator pitch on the competition.

I’ve personally had the opportunity to participate in these community service events for multiple years now representing the organization of the Multicultural Leadership Team on campus. The donations we gather (be it the Thanksgiving Baskets, toiletries, etc.) are counted as service hours for our team as well as points for our organization in the competition.

In the competition, teams sign up on RamPulse, download an information packet, collect donations, fill out corresponding forms, and turn in donations for points.

Teams can be any student group or organization, faculty department, athletic team, residence hall, or any individual looking to get involved. The winner of the Campus Cares Competition will have their organization’s name engraved on a plaque to be placed within the Student Center Ram’s Den.

This year’s Thanksgiving Basket Drive for the Campus Cares Competition began on Oct. 12 and will run until Nov. 13. In previous years, the highest number of baskets donated was 30, so they’re looking to break that record if possible this year.

All donations for the competition are to be dropped off outside the Student Center Suite 216 in a designated cabinet. For more information, check out the Campus Cares Competition page on RamPulse at or the @studentssu Instagram account.

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