
SGA Discusses Safety Concerns on Campus

Cassie Nipe, student government parliamentarian, discusses the issue of campus safety during an SGA meeting on Feb. 3, 2015.

Better lighting on campus, self-defense classes and more information on existing safety precautions are needed to improve security at Shepherd University, students told the Student Government Association in a Tuesday meeting.

“Many people attend the yoga and workout classes they have, and I think a self-defense class would work just as well,” said freshman Heyleigh Helgesen. She proposed the classes be held at the University Wellness Center.

Kevin Canterillo, a junior criminology major who works with the University police department, said police have found that attacks often occur in poorly-lit areas. He suggested lighting be improved in several spots on campus.

Canterillo also said students should consider carrying Mace or pepper spray.

“If you don’t feel safe, go out and buy a thing of pepper spray to keep with you in your purse or book bag,” he said.

SGA members noted that University students also need to be better informed on safety procedures already in place.

Ellie Johnson, a senior social work major and 2015 senior class president, said University police offer a police escort service for all students who feel unsafe commuting around campus.

Campus police can be reached at 9-911 for emergency calls, and 304-876-5202 and 304-876-5374 for non-emergency calls.

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