
Local Businesses Burglarized

Over the past two weeks, several Shepherdstown businesses have been burglarized according to the Shepherdstown police department.

The Blue Moon, Two Rivers Treads, Jala Yoga and Mellow Moods were all the victims of both breaking, entering and robbery.

An unknown person or persons used a blunt instrument to gain access to at least two of the businesses according to a press release issued by David Ransom, chief of Shepherdstown police.

Sarah Hodder, the manager of Two Rivers Treads, saw a status on Facebook about the break-in at Mellow Moods and went into her shop on Monday morning to see if all was well.

She discovered a side window pried open and a display fixture moved, which she said was typically in front of the window.  An umbrella was opened and placed in one of the windows facing German Street, close to the cash register. Hodder suggested the thief placed it there strategically to avoid any passers-by seeing the theft in progress.

She said the lock on the till had been drilled into and broken. The money in the cash register was then taken. None of the store’s merchandise was damaged or stolen, however.

Details of the Blue Moon robbery were not entirely clear and information was not shared with the public until approximately two weeks after the incident, the day after the other break-ins, according to several business owners.

Ben Thompson, owner of Cutting Class Salon and a sophomore at Shepherd, said he was “surprised” businesses weren’t notified of the break-in at the Blue Moon sooner. He suggested that the police or Shepherdstown Business Association could have spread the word. He also said even the parking meter personnel could have stopped in at businesses as they were ticketing cars, with advice to be more vigilant.

Kendra Adkins, the manager of Four Seasons Books, echoed Thompson’s comments and agreed a notice from the town or police would have been welcomed.

Cheryl Gallery, the owner of Grapes and Grains, expressed concern about the robberies but acknowledged she has a very sophisticated security system. She did indicate she and her staff will be taking extra precautions, though. As with the other business owners interviewed, she received no notice from the police about the break-in at the Blue Moon.

John McAvoy, chief of police for Shepherd University, encouraged students to be more aware of their surroundings.

“While the burglaries in Shepherdstown were at commercial stores and restaurants and did not involve our campus directly, we are all part of the Shepherdstown community. Please help if you can.”

A cash mob and a silent auction, spearheaded by Plum, took place on Feb. 8 and Feb. 9 respectively to benefit the businesses affected.

Ransom asked that anyone with information contact the Shepherdstown police department at (304) 876-6036 or

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