
Getting to Know Kelsey Eagan

Kelsey Eagan is a two-sport senior at Shepherd University. She spoke with us about some of the challenges that come with playing both soccer and lacrosse, as well as topics ranging from superstitions to her biggest influence.

Q: What is your major?
A: I am a recreation and leisure major with a sports marketing concentration

Q: Being a two-sport athlete, how do you balance school, athletics and personal time?
A: I don’t find it as challenging as everyone may make it seem, probably because my social life and personal time is spent with the people I play with on the field. I do my homework when I have some down time at nights or when the team is traveling. I’ve been doing this my entire life and I have seemed to finally mastered it.

Q: What positions do you play?
A: I have played every position on the soccer field as I started as a goalkeeper my freshman year, but now I am a central midfielder while in lacrosse. I play attack.

Q: What was the biggest challenge the soccer team faced this season?
A: It’s the fact that four other seniors’ careers and my own will be over at the end of the season and wrapping our heads around the fact that we missed the playoffs. That was a huge disappointment.

Q: With five of you moving on, who in your mind is ready to step up and take that leadership role?
A: Kasey Canterbury will step up as a current captain and lead the team, but the current junior class brings many personalities and leadership roles that individually can help drive the team to success as seniors.

Q: Who’s your biggest role model or supporter?
A: I’d have to say my roommate Morgan Gabriel. We have such an honest relationship that we can communicate what needs to be done better on and off the field for complete success for the team.

Q: Do you have any pre-game rituals?
A: Nothing too extraneous, but there are athletes that are superstitious, like placing my jersey and caption band on the same spot on the bench. But it’s always the little things that people do to think it gives you good luck. It’s quite entertaining.

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