President Mary J.C. Hendrix and Shepherdstown Mayor Jim Auxer
2016 Homecoming Court
Color Guard
Ram Band
Ram Band pt. 2
Shepherd University Nursery School
Shepherd Student Veterans
Stand Up Don’t Stand By
Delta Zeta as the Amanda Show
Theta Xi as the Magic Schoolbus
Delta Zeta as the Amanda Show pt. 2
Shepherd University Cheerleading Team
Alpha Sigma Tau as the Spice Girls
Sigma Tau Iota as a slumber party with boy bands
The Rude Mechanicals for Othello
Sheperd University Dance Team
Jong Hap Mu School of Martial Arts
Sigma Sigma Sigma as Nirvana
Sigma Sigma Sigma as Nirvana pt. 2
Phi Kappa Tau
Shepherdstown Emergency Team