
Final Exam Stress Can Be Battled With Preperation

Perhaps the two most dreaded words of a college semester—final exams—are being spoken by professors across campus, and students might tremble at the thought of them quickly approaching.

While final exams can certainly be very stressful, there are several ways in which preparing for them won’t mean going mad with worry.

First, plan accordingly. One of the biggest factors producing pre-final anxiety is lack of time management. Sit down and physically write out all the things that have to be done. Some classes require studying for finals, some classes require papers and others require final projects.

Although seeing in list form all the things that need accomplished before reaching finals week, which stretches from Monday, Dec. 8, to Friday, Dec. 12, might be overwhelming at first, it is a surefire way not to forget about certain assignments or finals that demand study time.

Furthermore, a list filled with all the tasks that need accomplishing before the last week of the semester makes it easier to plan time to dedicate to each of them.

Similarly, do not put things off until the last moment even if there is a list.

Whether studying, writing a paper or working on a project presentation, make sure to dedicate ample time to tasks rather than procrastinating. One thing that might make one feel like pulling out his or her hair while simultaneously wanting to scream from frustration is the sense of running out of time.

If stuck writing a paper, finish it at least two days before it is actually due. This way, having a night to sleep on work allows the next edit to be viewed with fresh, rested eyes.

With a project presentation, know the material. While I wouldn’t recommend trying to memorize every single aspect of the presentation, I would make sure to be familiar with the information included in the PowerPoint or a similar presentation platform. Also, do not rely on slides for your presentation. Let the slides be an addition rather than the main attraction.

If books and notes create the sensation of being buried alive during study time, do not rush, and, more importantly, avoid the dangers of cramming.

Another crucial thing to remember while studying is to know what type of learning is best for different students. Think about what kinds of learners there are—visual, auditory or kinesthetic, which is a hands-on approach. Then, change study habits accordingly. Remember, not everyone learns and retains information the same way, and that is a vital aspect of studying to keep in mind.

Now, time does not have to be taken up solely by studying. A rule of thumb is to include periodic breaks from the final blues. Go outside and take a walk, have a cup of coffee or herbal tea—whatever suits the fancy. Just make sure to breathe. Though confidence in work and study skills is important when all is said and done, don’t overdo it. The body and mind will be thankful.

Fall 2014 Finals Schedule

Monday, Dec. 8

Tuesday, Dec. 9

Wednesday, Dec. 10

Thursday, Dec. 11

Friday, Dec. 12



Night Class Examinations

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