
Picket Editorial: Academic Advisment

We of The Picket feel that services like the Academic Assistance Center that Shepherd offers should be better utilized by students. Not only does our university offer services for students looking to manage their four-year plan, but it also offers services for students who wish to perform better in classes through the Academic Support Center, and provides various options for students wishing to become more closely involved with university life.

Student apathy is one of the largest problems that Shepherd University faces. How often do students complain about their academic adviser? How often do students complain about the difficulty of their classes?

If more students simply engaged with the services that Shepherd University offers, we believe that many such complaints could be avoided. While the Academic Advising Center and the Academic Support Center are not perfect organizations, they are intended to be there for the benefit of students.

If those organizations do not meet your needs, there are other campus groups available that exist to help. Shepherd’s recent organizational fair was proof that there are many groups on campus wishing to engage with students on an individual basis.

If you wish to become involved with the way that the student body is run, attend meetings of the SGA. If you want to have your voice heard on campus, write for The Picket or work for WSHC. If you have a want, there is a high probability that it can be met by a student organization or service offered by Shepherd.

If you have not utilized those resources at your disposal and still insist on complaining, you are the only obstacle remaining on your path toward success.

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