Beyonce’s performance at the Super Bowl has been criticized by some who say the costumes, lyrics, and dancing, resemble that of the Black Panther Party.
The Super Bowl is a national sensation and this year on Sunday, Feb. 7, 49 percent of all Americans who own TV sets tuned in. Even those who are not football fans will watch for the commercials or the halftime show. This year, the halftime entertainment was Coldplay, introduced by Beyonce and Bruno Mars.

The Black Panthers are a group of people who formed in 1966 and were an important presence in the civil rights movement. Their platform was to campaign for equality among the community for African Americans. Their solution was a violent one, however, giving them a more slandered name in the eyes of the public.
Some say Beyonce’s wardrobe choice for her performance, reflected that of The Black Panther party and this action left former mayor of New York, Rudy Guiliani displeased. “I thought it was really outrageous that she used it as a platform to attack police officers who are the people who protect her and protect us, and keep us alive,” he said, according to New York Daily News.
This is an issue that can be controversial, such as that of the issues that arose concerning the rebel flag.
“I believe Beyonce’s Performance was her creative right as a performer,” said Blair Cherelstein, a junior communications major. “Mayor Guiliani and others who believe what he stated aren’t familiar with all the good things The Black Panther Party has done for the community at large, such as feed and clothe the poor.”
“I think it’s stupid that people would be mad about it,” said Kyle Smith, a sophomore computer engineering major.
Shane Markward, a second year physical education major, said that his opinion could go both ways.
“I guess she is supporting what she believes in, but it seems like she also could be discriminating against white people too,” Markward said. “In the world we live in today, we are human and everyone can be considered racist in some way, we just don’t view it as such. People are naturally judgmental, sometimes even without meaning to be. It’s OK for Beyonce to have a stance, as long as she doesn’t cross a line.”
Just as the Black Panthers were “Made Men”, borne of fake jewISH (Rev 3:9) desire, for the purpose of spawning Disruptive Revolutions the world over under the auspice of Communism and/or Socialism, they are at it again with the making of “Black Lives Matter”, “BMe”, ‘Formation” , etc., etc., while their mindless Black Shills who embody the roles of Prison Borne Radicals, “lend” more and more Human Capital for Social Impact Paradigms that will, ultimately, render all U.S. citizens into the emerging Zionist Oligarchical hands, fomenting their New World Order while the Public Stands By in utter awe and confusion about demonically contrived half-time shows. RACE-BATE 101.WAKE-UP PEOPLE!!!!!
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