Lucas Peterson proudly shows off his headband bandana outside of Knutti Hall.
(THE PICKET) – Lucas Peterson is a sophomore music education and music composition major at Shepherd University.
Q: What’s up with the bandana?
A: Well, I have the curly hair and as it gets longer, the top part of my head becomes flat. I’m in the process of letting it grow back.
Q: How long have you been growing your hair?
A: A year and three months. The hair is not quite long enough yet, but I’m letting it grow so I can do this look and have it look a little better. I’m also in Ram Band so it’s an issue when my hair is poofy because we wear hats and it’s not going to work if I don’t do something.
Q: Do you see other students around campus doing it?
A: No, but I have seen it other places before. Wearing a bandana is a relatively common thing to me.
We love your style, Lucas! Every Monday The Picket will be featuring a new guy on campus with a headband or man bun.
Hayley Butler is a staff writer for The Picket. She can be reached at hbutle01@rams.shepherd.edu or followed on Twitter @haybutler.
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