
Five Golden Rules of Blogging

There is no denying that social media continues to shape the way that we communicate with each other. It seems like more people are getting their latest, “hard hitting” news from Twitter, Facebook, or other blogs and message boards, rather than picking up a newspaper or tuning in to their local news channel.

Today, the use of social media has become so important in our society, that those who do not conform to this growing trend are actually at a disadvantage. One aspect being used in various schools and businesses is blogging.

Blogging became popular among the online community with the development of the social media website This website interested people into putting their personal opinion on the internet with an unlimited number of topics to write about.

Today, schools assign blog posts as a way for students to participate and reflect on a given topic whereas companies may use an active blog to keep clients up to date on various events. But, there are also those who only blog for fun!

If you are having trouble getting started with a blog or simply don’t know what to write about, you’ve come to the right place. Blogging is something anyone can do. To help you get started, here are the five golden rules of effective blogging:

1. Have a Purpose: No matter what your reasoning is behind writing a blog, it is important to blog with a purpose. Think about why you are writing and what you can convey within your work.

2. Consider Your Audience: It is of the utmost importance to consider your audience. If your audience is a group of high school students, are they really going to be interested in your broad vocabulary and use of scholarly terms (that you probably don’t even know the definitions of)? If your blog is for a group of future employers, you wouldn’t want to get too comfortable with your words.

3. Be Creative: For the most part, a blog is something that you can use to write about anything you want. Don’t be afraid to dive into your thoughts.

4. Keep It Short and Sweet: Remember this is not an English research paper; it’s a blog, so keep it short and to the point! Some of the most effective and referenced blogs consist of two or three paragraphs, so don’t get too carried away.

5. There Is No Wrong Way to Blog: Finally, it is important to know that there is no wrong way to blog. A blog is your own personal thoughts and concepts that you are choosing to share. Instead of worrying about the technicalities behind a blog, just start writing to see where it takes you. You never know what you might come up with.

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